Traditional industries in China are accelerating their transformation towards a high-end, intelligent and green development. Our reporter Ning Hong visited a pharmaceutical company in Cangzhou, Hebei Province, which is becoming one of the world's major caffeine production centers.(中国古板工业正在加速向高端化、智能化、绿色化生长转型。本台记者宁宏走访了河北省沧州市的一家制药公司,该公司正逐渐成为全球主要的咖啡因生产中心之一。)
This is caffeine, widely used in food and pharmaceuticals. A Chinese company has become one of the world's largest caffeine suppliers in just a few years.(这是咖啡因,普遍应用于食物和药品。一家中国公司在短短几年内成为天下上最大的咖啡因供应商之一。)
We visited the pharmaceutical and chemical industrial park in Cangzhou, Hebei Province. The chairman of the company, Cui Yongbin, gave us a tour of his factory. Cui has always been dedicated to automation research, and one of the secrets behind the rapid development of this factory is the automation of production.(我们来到河北省沧州市的医药化工园区,该公司董事长崔永斌带我们旅行了工厂。崔永斌一直致力于自动化研究,而这家工厂快速生长背后的窍门之一,正是生产的自动化。)
CUI YONGBIN Chairman, Hebei Guangxiang Pharmaceutical Co. "You see, all the valves are self-controlled, and there is a self-control signal over there. This is a sensor. The signal from the sensor adjusts the valve which controls pressure of the pipeline."(河北广祥制药有限公司董事长崔永斌先容说:“这里所有的阀门都是自动控制的,那里有一个自控信号。这是一个传感器。来自传感器的信号调解阀门,从而控制管道的压力。”)
Producing caffeine requires several processes, and the sensors and automatic control equipment visible everywhere on the production line make the entire factory appear clean and orderly.(咖啡因的生产需要多道工序,而生产线上随处可见的传感器和自动控制装备使整个工厂看起来清洁有序。)
CUI YONGBIN Chairman, Hebei Guangxiang Pharmaceutical Co. "According to the traditional production method in the past, each line here required 7-8 people. Now, the entire workshop basically doesn't need people; only one person is needed for maintenance and monitoring."(崔永斌说:“凭证已往的古板生产方法,这里的每条生产线都需要7-8个工人。而现在,整个生产车间基本上不需要人工,只需安排一小我私家举行装备维护和监控。)
The automation transformation has covered almost all processes. It has now become a key factor in the competitiveness of this company's products.(自动化转型险些涵盖了所有流程,并且已经成为该公司产品竞争力的焦点。)
CUI YONGBIN Chairman, Hebei Guangxiang Pharmaceutical Co. "Higher the degree of automation, more stable the product quality. That's because control is more precise."(崔永斌说: “自动化水平越高,控制越准确,产品质量就越稳固。”)
In order to reduce pollutant emissions, the company has specially built a modern biochemical treatment plant to treat pollutants generated during the production process.(为了镌汰污染物的排放,公司特殊制作了一个现代化的生化处置惩罚厂,来处置惩罚生产历程中爆发的污染物。)
CUI YONGBIN Chairman, Hebei Guangxiang Pharmaceutical Co. "In response to the country's call, and to ultimately achieve carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, we have taken measures in advance. First, we have determined the total carbon footprint, and next, we will carry out carbon footprint identification and carbon reduction work."(崔永斌说: “为响应国家招呼,为最终实现碳达峰与碳中和,我们提早接纳了步伐。首先,我们已经完成了总碳足迹的核算,接下来,我们将开展碳足迹识别和碳减排事情。”)
The company's products are now sold to more than 90 countries – making it one of the world's biggest caffeine suppliers.(该公司的产品现已销往 90 多个国家或地区,成为天下上最大的咖啡因供应商之一。)
Ning Hong, CGTN, Hebei Province.(宁宏,CGTN,河北省。)